Categories: Events

Few topics in current discourse are either more deeply contested or more immediately morally relvant than immigration, as the Trump administration pursues a vision for immigration that is sharply different from the last fifty years of policy.  Currently proposed changes range from radically increased efforts to prevent border crossings; to ending the DACA program designed to shield some immigrants who arrived undocumented, but as children; and to restructuring the legal immigration system both to reduce the total number of immigrants and to reduce the ability of immigrants to apply to bring family members with them.  Many perceive both religious and racial animus behind these policies, which seem to most heavily burden Latinx and Muslim communities. That said, and in a very basic way, the outcome of current debates on immigration will determine what the American people is over the next generation or more.  They are also of immediate and direct implication for UNC Charlotte, which hosts over 2,000 international students and which has to navigate the changing legal landscape those students face.

We’re pleased to announce that the Ethics Center will be featuring a speaker series on Immigration during 2018-19, supported by a Chancellor’s Diversity Challenge Grant.  More details coming soon…

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