Categories: Events

Please join us for the annual Ethics Center Breakfast on Wed. Sept. 6, 7:30-9:00, Cone 210.

We’ll have our annual opportunity to reconnect with one another, as well as announcements and discussion about Center programming for the upcoming year.  We’re very excited about some of what we’ve been able to line up, including a series on medical and other forms of biosurveillance, and one about black feminist responses to surveillance more generally.  We also are working on some other programming.that should be in place by then.  As a Center supporter, your participation at this meeting and the feedback you provide helps us to make the events as fruitful as possible.

Visitor parking is at the Cone Deck, and we can give you a token to cover the cost.

To RSVP, follow this link to an online form by September 1, 2016.   You can also send email to, if you must.

Hope to see you then!